Energy Saving Tips For Spring

Temperatures aren’t the only thing increasing as spring approaches. Lately, you’ve likely noticed how your energy bills continue to increase as well. As a result, you’re looking for ways to help curb energy costs. Luckily for you, The Appliance Doctor hasrounded up several helpful energy-saving tips for spring. Need appliance repairs or diagnostics? Contact us at 970.773.1000 or schedule an appointment online, our licensed technicians are here to help you!

How To Save on Energy This Spring

Have Your HVAC System Serviced

When your HVAC system works harder than it needs to, this can result in wasted energy. Contact us at 970.623.0152 for HVAC maintenance and repairs, and we’ll check that your heating and cooling systems are running efficiently and safely. For example, we’ll check if your air filters are dirty and need to be replaced.

Turn Down Your Water Heater

One of the main sources of wasted energy is too high of a temperature setting on your water heater. Many manufacturers set the thermostat at 140 F, but realistically you can lower the temperature to 120 F and most likely not detect a difference in heat.

Lower the Thermostat at Night

Heating and cooling systems are energy hogs, as they make up almost half of your energy costs. Lowering the temperature while you sleep can save you 10% on your energy bill. To do so, lower the temperature by 5-10 degrees for 8 hours a day for energy savings.

Check Windows and Doors

The older your home’s windows and doors are, the more likely they are to leak air, disrupting a comfortable indoor environment. As a result, your heating system must work harder, leading to increased energy consumption. Cover windows that you don’t or are unable to open with window film. For other windows, use weatherstripping to create a seal to keep warm air in and prevent outside air from infiltrating your residence.

For doors, raise the threshold higher using a screwdriver, and add weatherstripping for an improved seal.

Unplug Appliances When Not in Use

Plugged-in appliances still draw electricity even when not in use and turned off. Unplugging appliances when not in use not only saves on energy but also extends their lifespan.

Don’t Block Air Vents

Blocked air vents make your heating system work harder. Make sure air vents are not obstructed by furniture or drapes, so that your home can enjoy efficient air circulation.

Welcome In Sunlight

During the day, turn off indoor lights and pull up the shades to let the sunlight in.

Close Curtains At Night

At night however, close the curtains. Just as windows let in heat during the daytime, they also can significantly cool your house’s interior at night. To prevent loss of heat, keep windows covered at night. Insulated curtains are available to further protect against heat loss.

Use Ceiling Fans

Your ceiling fan has the ability to both cool or distribute warm air in your home. When your ceiling fan spins clockwise at low speed, warm air is drawn towards the ceiling, creating an updraft. For cooler air, have the fan spin counterclockwise to push down air and create a cooler breeze.

Don’t Rely on the Furnace Too Much

To truly cut on energy costs, don’t have your furnace work harder than it needs to. Cover bare floors with rugs and keep warm with blankets and fuzzy slippers.