Have Your HVAC System All Ready For Spring and Summer

It’s officially spring, and as we all know on the Western Slope, summer will be here before we know it. Before the temperatures soar, it’s a good idea to have your HVAC system all ready to go for the warmer months, so we at The Appliance Doctor have put together an HVAC checklist for spring and summer. Need to have your HVAC system serviced? We’ve got you! Contact us at 970.623.0152 for HVAC service, repair, and maintenance. For all other appliance needs, contact us at 970.773.1000 or schedule an appointment online, our licensed technicians are here to help you!

HVAC Checklist For Spring and Summer

Remove Condenser Covers

The result of forgetting to remove the condenser cover? Undue stress on the AC unit, which can severely damage the unit and lead to overheating. So, to avoid any costly repairs or replacements, (not to mention fire hazards), remove any coverings off AC units before you switch the AC on.

Clear Away Debris Around HVAC Units

Be sure to clear away any sticks, leaves, and dirt on and around the unit. Doing so ensures that the AC unit runs smoothly and prevents fire hazards.

Test the Thermostat

Don’t neglect to check the thermostat. Remove old batteries and recalibrate if necessary. You can even consider getting a programmable WifI thermostat, which you can control using your smartphone. For example, you can set a schedule or profile for setting the temperature automatically.

Change Air Filters

Spring is a great time to change air filters, as more dust and dirt accumulate usually during the winter. Ideally, you should change your HVAC filters every 2-3 months, to optimize airflow and system efficiency.

Check Vents

Closed and/ or dirty air vents can affect airflow, resulting in your AC unit working harder than necessary. Clean off any dust, dirt, and pet hair.

Consider Installing An Air Purifier

Suffer from allergies? Whole house air purifiers filter and purify the air in your entire house, decreasing the number of irritants like dust mites, pollen, mold, micro-plastics, smoke, etc.

Switch on the System

You’ve removed any coverings, checked, cleaned, and opened vents, replaced filters, and tested the thermostat. Now turn on the system to check on air flow and cooling. If you note no cooling after a period of time, give us a call at 970-773-1000.

Don’t Block Air Vents

Blocked air vents make your heating system work harder. Make sure air vents are not obstructed by furniture or drapes, so that your home can enjoy efficient air circulation.

Schedule Annual Maintenance

Did you prep your HVAC system, and it’s still failing to cool your home? Would you rather have a certified expert prep and check your HVAC system? At The Appliance Doctor, we’re proud to offer HVAC service, repair, and maintenance on all brands and models for heating equipment, air conditioning, and swamp coolers. Give us a call at 970-623-0152, or visit our website to schedule an appointment. You can rest assured that we’ll have your AC in working order, so you can stay cool this spring and summer!