We Offer Mini-Split Installation and Repairs

In previous newsletters we’ve talked about HVAC repair and maintenance services, as well as offered tips and tricks for starting up your HVAC system this summer. But did you know we at The ApplianceDoctor also offer mini-split...

All About HVAC

Indoor climate control is a system that many people take for granted, or even overlook. After all, cooling or heating your home can be as easy as the flick of a switch – that is, for a consumer whose HVAC system is running just right. It’s not until a heating and...

Prep Your HVAC System for Summer

Now that spring is here in Western Colorado, you know how fast the temperatures heat up. Therefore, it’s time to prep your HVAC system for summer. By taking the right steps, you can ensure that not only will your home be cool and comfy, but that your HVAC system...

Optimize Your HVAC System to Fight Allergy Symptoms

Spring is nearly here! Trees, flowers, and shrubs are about to bloom, triggering your allergies. As you sneeze and your eyes water, you may be wondering what other solution, other than nasal spray and medications, can help with your allergies. And the answer is, your...

Appliance FAQs

At The Appliance Doctor, we’re the experts who perform appliance diagnostics, repairs, and installation. While we don’t expect you to know everything about appliances, we feel that sharing our knowledge with you can help you...